We believe editors should uplift a writer's unique voice, not alter it to fit their own style. Our feedback aims to ask questions and provide insights that help you refine and perfect your work. 

We accept fiction pieces up to 4000 words.

Short Fiction 

What is included: 

  • Extensive line edits/margin notes. These hyper-specific questions, suggestions, and responses will not only help to strengthen the story at the micro level—paying close attention to mood, description, diction, voice, clarity, readability, dialogue, syntax, and narrative rhythm—but also provide feedback on what we view as the most important, big-picture developmental edits for the story as they arise in the text.
  • Comments related to the strengths of the piece, so writers will understand what’s working as well as what needs to be improved!


Short Fiction + 

What is included: 

  • Extensive line edits/margin notes. These hyper-specific questions, suggestions, and responses will not only help to strengthen the story at the micro level—paying close attention to mood, description, diction, voice, clarity, readability, dialogue, syntax, and narrative rhythm—but also provide feedback on what we view as the most important, big-picture developmental edits for the story as they arise in the text.
  • Comments related to the strengths of the piece, so writers will understand what’s working as well as what needs to be improved!
  • A comprehensive letter of 1-2 pages, depending upon the specific length and needs of the story. This letter will focus on major developmental edits related to the opening hook, characterization, character and story arcs, setting, pacing, conflict and tension, exposition and scene, and endings. It will also include a paragraph summarizing the story in order for the writer to understand how a reader might view the plot and its main beats.
  • Detailed questions, ideas, and mini craft lessons to help you refine your overall fiction writing skills. We’re happy to focus on specific elements as requested!
  • A specifically curated list of recommended reading and listening: stories, journals, podcasts, essays, and interviews we feel might speak to the individual writer.
  • One email exchange for any follow-up questions.


About Our Editors

Tamar Mekredijian

Tamar Mekredijian is working on her first novel, which was long-listed for The Masters Review 2021 Novel Excerpt Contest.She teaches English at various universities, focusing on the rhetorical mode of Narrative.   Her essays appear at Coffee and Crumbs and Literary Mama. She is the fiction editor of Write or Die Magazine and co-creator of the Write Together Retreats. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children.

Suzanne Grove 

Suzanne Grove is a fiction reader and editorial consultant for Write or Die Magazine, in addition to serving as the associate editor for CRAFT. Her fiction and poetry appear or are forthcoming in The Adirondack Review, Barren Magazine, The Carolina Quarterly, No Contact, No Tokens, Okay Donkey, The Penn Review, Porter House Review, Raleigh Review, XRAY, and elsewhere. She also received honorable mention for her fiction appearing on Farrar, Straus, & Giroux's Work in Progress website.



Suzanne is an excellent editor and a reader with infrared vision. She saw things I barely knew were there, and I wrote the story! I've been through Clarion and Tin House. I'm accustomed to hearing the truth, and Suzanne, in her diplomatic way, didn't hold back. My story is much improved thanks to the work she put into it. Don't let her go! —Steven Bryan Bieler

I am really blown away! The depth of critique and feedback was just what I needed to keep editing this story.


Have a question about this service? Email kailey@chillsubs.com  

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