We believe editors should uplift a writer's unique voice, not alter it to fit their own style. Our feedback aims to ask questions and provide insights that help you refine and perfect your work.

We accept creative nonfiction pieces up to 4000 words.

What's included: 

  • Line edits related to macro-level elements of the text such as voice, structure, themes, and clarity. These in-line edits are intended to provide feedback on big-picture developmental edits for the story as they arise in the text.
  • A 2-page editorial letter focusing on developmental edits, questions, and suggestions
  • A one-on-one 60 minute Zoom meeting to discuss the written feedback and any related questions the writer might have.
  • A specifically curated list of prompts, recommended reading, and listening to support the writer in developing their work.
  • One email exchange for any follow-up questions.


About our editor

Shelby Hinte, associate editor 

Shelby Hinte is a writer, editor, and teacher amongst other things. She has led writing workshops at San Francisco State University, The Writing Salon, and in the community, including teaching creative writing to incarcerated adults and youth on juvenile probation.   She is the Associate Editor of Write or Die Mag and has been a reader and intern for various independent presses and magazines including ZYZZYVA, Split/Lip Press, and No Contact. Her writing has been featured in BOMB Magazine, The Rumpus, ZYZZYVA, Hobart, SmokeLong Quarterly, and elsewhere. She lives in Northern California.


Have a question about this service? Email kailey@chillsubs.com 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.